
Apple Keyboard

Since its inception, Apple has been a pioneer of the PC market. It is able to implement the mass market GUI operating system and manipulators of the "mouse", now known to every child. But, despite the fact that the company continues to be one of the most advanced and wealthiest corporations on innovation in the world, however, its computer products are in great demand not use it. It's hard to say what the reason is playing a key role: the price of the products or the habit of working with Windows, to develop the majority of PC owners worldwide. But the fact that any product produces in the US company boasts a magnificent and thoughtful design, good quality and excellent ergonomics, argue, no one will.

Today I would like to talk about this interesting product as an advanced keyboard from Apple, which fell into my hands for testing. The first key design in a flat format, Apple introduced Mac keyboards in 2006 and since then has flowed away a lot of time, and have been verified by the market, the design was valued by the public worth. It is for this product that line in the corporation were wired and wireless keyboard Apple. Let's see what so interested the audience novelty. When you first look at it, the Apple keyboard looks like a flat pancake with huge, deep-set keys, between which, however, enough space to avoid accidental presses. Custom buttons flat surface increases the contact patch fingers with them, and yet such a solution provides a significant reduction in the number of casual or accidental pressures. When it comes to typing long text at top speed, tiredness comes much later than normal keyboards. Well…you can get the Apple keyboard or other Apple Accessories, such as Mac screen cover, iPad kit for car, etc. easily at banggood.com. And there would be good price and nice quality.

Also when pressed, Apple keyboard makes a quiet sound, a trifle, of course, but it's nice. Interesting solution with minimal gaps between the casing and buttons resulted in a complete lack of dust and dirt under the keys and on their sides, so irritating in the conventional devices. If we are talking about cleanliness, it is necessary to mention the fact that by rubbing Apple keyboard behaves in a very interesting way. The keys are recessed flush with the body, and form a smooth surface that is easy to wipe clean. As a result, become themselves pristine buttons, space and housing. Compare this effect with anguish when cleaning conventional keyboards, which sometimes have completely disassembled, just to get to the dirt. And how will behave Apple keyboard, if you connect it to a computer with installed OS Windows? Surprisingly, it will work, however, there are nuances. Simply connect it to your PC and do not bother installing drivers, those who are used to the standard layout will feel uncomfortable, because Apple keyboard lacks some of the usual Windows buttons and other buttons she arranged not exactly in the places to which we are used to. For example, Ctrl and Alt keys will be placed on her side, and the Windows button - next to the white space key. Some keys are simply no longer needed. However, work is still possible, but what if there is a driver with which you can easily eliminate all these drawbacks. After installing the keyboard driver that comes, but also searched and the network will earn how to all key override in the usual order of the lower keys, and the missing buttons will be assigned to the additional function keys without difficulty. In general, the device was very interesting for OS X users, and Windows fans, and it seems to me that the future belongs to such keyboards.

