
Magic Fisheye Lens

Various means are used to create interesting effects on pictures and make them more expressive, for example, unusual lenses. Fisheye, fisheye, or, - a kind of short-focus wide angle lens with a barrel-shaped distortion.

This geometric distortion is that may occur in the photo, curving lines and objects. The most common option is barrel-shaped, like line bend outwards, objects at the same time become convex. Pillow distortion - this is the opposite effect, objects begin to impress concave.

Otherwise, more barrel distortion is called positive and the pincushion - negative. In the classical picture distortion is married, so photographers are trying to prevent its occurrence. The wide-angle lens is inserted into special corrective lenses in order to avoid such an effect. However, if the distortion of the work a photographer tasks, it can be an interesting artistic technique, a way to get an unusual, bright pictures.

The main difference between these lenses is the viewing angle. It is at least 180 degrees, so in the one frame half is possible to fit the space. It is believed that the fish that way and sees things, why and stuck the name - "the effect of" fish eye "." The next feature is the focal length. It is short, 6-15 mm. Blends of these lenses are very small in size or not used at all. This is due to the fact that because of the huge hood lens viewing angle can get into the frame. Also, traditional rig fisheye filter on impossible.

There are two types: circular and diagonal. Circular fisheye lens gives a circular perspective, but the image does not fill the frame completely. On the edges of the frame on a full frame camera shows that the portion of the image is missing and replaced with black corners. Use this type of lens only in the areas of applied photography (e.g. meteorology). Diagonal type is also called full frame. Image with this lens fills the entire frame. This is achieved by a small reduction in the viewing angle. This type of lens is also the most popular. You can get new IPad fisheye lens easily from Banggood as well as Apple accessories, for example, the best speaker for Mac.

